Matrimony profile for girl is essential step in finding the soulmate for the marriage of Girl. You might require to create Matrimony profile for girl to share it through Biodata, matrimony websites or just share it through WhatsApp!!
But any of the above sources you choose, the basic structure and information to be included will remain the same. In this article we will tell you the basic information to be included in Matrimony profile of a Girl.
What to include in Matrimony Profile?
In a matrimony profile, you need to include all the basic information of the girl such as personal details, Family Details, Partner Preference, About the girl and contact details.
Let us dicuss each section in details:-
Personal Details
In personal details of Matrimony profile include the following things about the girl – Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Height, education, occupation, manglik status, photo, gotra, religion etc can be included.
Partner Preference in Matrimony profile
In partner preference you have to include your expectations from the boy. Here you have to write what do you expect in your soulmate. You can include details such as – their social habits, behaviour, food habits etc.
Sample partner preferences can be found here – Partner Preference.
Family Details
This is an important part of matrimony profile in which you should include the information about your family such as Father name, Mother name, brothers, sisters, their occupations. You can also include details of your Uncle, Aunt, sister in law, brother in law etc.
Contact Details
In contact details you should provide correct information about your mobile number and email ID so that you can be contacted easily. You can also include your address details.
About Me section in Matrimony profile
In About me part of Matrimony profile, you should include information describing about yourself. It may include details such as Likes/Dislikes, Hobbies, Diet details, Religion details and other characterstics.
Sample wordings for About me can be found at – About Me.
How to create Matrimony profile for Girl
The most popular way to create Matrimony profile for a girl is through Marriage Biodata. The marriage biodata can be created in PDF or image format and shared with your match.

A biodata for marriage is the perfect way evaluate your compatibility with the boy. The marriage biodata can to be created using Word format. We have a large number of beautiful marriage biodata formats available to download :-
If you are creating the Matrimony profile for some Matrimony website then also you should include all the above details in the appropriate sections.